SO, I just skipped out for a coffee and ran into a guy that I shared a painting studio with in Toronto back when I was suffering from a serious case of the crazies. I've run into him a couple of times here, he is a really good painter and heavily involved in the arts here. I have nothing against him, nor do I know anything about him..... like his name for example, but damn I feel better when I don't run into people from that period in my life. I guess moving 4000km away just isn't far enough.
I don't know if any of you have ever gone loopy for any length of time, and I don't recommend it if only because of having to do the politeness dance with someone who you know thinks you're nutty, and not like yummy nutela nutty either, more like 'that chick is fucked' nutty.
Long story short I had a shitty breakup, I stopped eating, breathing and thinking straight. I shared a painting studio with a "friend" and I guess my case of temporary insanity got to her and just when this guy (Andrew?) took a spot in the studio I got thrown out. Did I mention that as I stopped doing many rational things I started painting like crazy? Having found a method of dealing which worked really well and having it disappear was pretty rough. I just didn't have it in me to find a new studio when at the time I wasn't even able to find a place to live. Believe it or not, this is the short version.
One of the things that I love so much about living here is that I have very little chance of running into people I would like to punch...Preferably in the nose because that's where coke heads bleed the most. I don't want to punch this painter guy, but I would like to ask "hey, just out of curiosity, do you think I'm crazy?" Seriously just out of curiosity.
1 comment:
i think you're nutty like nutella in a good way. that's not very eloquent but it be true.
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