Our lovely neighbour Isabel made Dane a Cake for his birthday. Isn't it beautiful! It was SO good. Isabel is from Brazil and she made a Brazilian icing that was really rich and wonderful. In fact, it was so good that people were commenting on it days later. I couldn't find a photo of her in my mad collection of Birthday photo's. She looks a lot like my friend Leanna (when Leanna has a tan) in Toronto, especially when she smiles.

H*A*P*P*Y B*I*R*T*H*D*A*Y D*A*N*E ! ! ! !
All those little stars are birthday candle flames, by the way : ) ...So what are you now, 28? Hee hee! I wish I had been to your awesome-looking party! Okay, I admit, it's for the cake. If the icing was caramel, by the way, Isabel better not be claiming that it's Brazilian and called "dulce de leche", because in that case it's Chilean and it's called "manjar"! I'll fight over it!!
p.s. you know I'm eating meat now too, right? Looks like there's blood on all our hands now!
There is no way anyone in thier right mind would take you to task about the origin of any desert!
I do know the secret to Isabel's icing......I'll e-mail it to you and you let me know...Chilean or Brasilian.... ;)
At least we are in it together (meat eating)!
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