As many of you know Dane and I never close the store. We work seven days a week and that's just the way it is.
We closed the shop for two days over the Canada Day long weekend and went to Vancouver Island and it was magnificent! We were in Qualicum which is about 40 minutes North of Nanaimo. The beach there is fairly isolated so you can really get a lot of relaxing done.

This is a photo of the inside of a dead crab that I have a portrait of below. It's weird how the photo's on this thing don't post in sequence of how you upload them. Dane found this crab on the beach and left it in a small tide pool to see what would happen and we learned that crabs are cannibals. The inside of this crab was full of what ever crabs are full of and when I took this photo the tiny crabs (also pictured below) had eaten half of it's insides!

This is Dane going out to sea.
This is the dead crab that we fed to the smaller crabs.
This is a little crab. It's like a live National Geographic show on that beach. In Ontario you'd never get to get so close to wild sea creatures. It's pretty amazing how close to nature you really are out here.
Thanks V!! I'm happy now.
Funny you should focus on crabs -- we're in the month of Cancer, it's crabs galore!!
FYI, I started a new site if yer interested : )
I used to not eat them because I had this whole irrational guilt that I developed by watching them run around and act all scared. After seeing that they are cannibals and watching them tear a muscle to pieces I've been cured of that irrational guilt and I plan on a hearty crab dinner sometime soon.
My diet has changed a lot since I've learned more about food and the food industry. It's the circle of life simba.
I'll check you new site out right now!
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