Thursday, March 30, 2006

People, Man!

There is this man that eats at the Nice cafe fairly often and he brings his dog and ties it to the parking meter out front. The problem is that the dog is very unhappy about being left outside and so it barks and barks and barks at everything and, bicycles, skateboards you name it, it barks.

I've talked to the guy about the barking being disturbing to us and that I thought that his dog was really unhappy so perhaps he should leave it at home. He's got that red dry alcoholic skin and a bulbous nose, all white/yellow hair; he's the posterchild for what'll happen to you if you don't work towards your dreams and goals. Anyhow, he came by the restaurant today and the really sweet woman (Mary) that owns it asked him and the woman he came with if they wouldn't mind tying the dog down one meter so that at least it wouldn't see them and bark at them through the window. The woman told sweet, gentle Mary that she didn't have to move her dog. Which is true, she didn't HAVE to move her dog, but at some point her 'right' infringes on someone else's rights and her being inconsiderate I suppose comes from her not seeing this.

So I told them when they left ( this is my 4th conversation with this guy), I told them that if they brought their dog again that I would call the pound (I just want to be clear that when I called the pound they said that what they would do is come down and talk to the people with the dog and try to explain to them why it's bad to let your dog get so stressed out). The guy gets on his hind legs and says 'You go ahead and do that' so I said 'O.k' and his girlfriend gets in my face and says 'it's not against the law for a dog to bark'. I just stared at her in disbelief. The woman had to be at least fifty and she was talking and acting like a schoolyard bully. Then she says 'You just call the pound then' so I say 'O.k' and nod because I figure we've come to an agreement, she then sticks her finger in my face and says 'You need an attitude adjustment young lady' so I look at her and practice the famous Elaine Corden double blink blank stare. What you do is stare at whomever it is that is being rude to you and you blink twice and keep staring. It makes them uncomfortable.and gets you point across without having to stoop to their level. The woman was too dense to get it so I turn to go upstairs and she yells at me again that I needed an attitude adjustment. She was getting all bent out of shape about her rights and shouting that it wasn't the dog barking that was the reason we weren't doing good business... we're doing great business, I just don't like listening to a dog bark for two hours straight, I get shaky and stressed.

Now what I'm wondering is if kids these days really are more rude then previous generations...because if these are the kinds of people that have been raising children doesn't it stand to reason that their kids will behave in the manner their parents have modeled for them as acceptable?

(Roll of the eyes) adults these days I tell ya!


elaine said...

i've heard that dog several times. If it happens again I'm gonna go outside and start barking too. Or asking it questions, like "how does incessant barking make people feel?" (ruff)... I'm off tomorrow (friday) so if you need any help with your party plans, I'm all yours. Woof!

veronika said...

Thank you! I totally will call on you for some help...but you can say no if you don't want to.

Yeah, the dog is just a year old even though i thought it was older 'cause it's overweight. I feel bad for it because it's so stressed out and obviously unhappy. You can call the pound and complain or I think the police non emergency. I dunno, Dane and I are going to do our best to get them to stop tying the poor thing up out thier.