Where do I begin! First, thank you all who wrote comments that I did not find until today! I appreciate hearing for all of you.
The biggest news I have to share is that Lark is moving! we are moving just around the corner from our current location to a space that is three times the size. We're also going to be distrubuting Jorg + Olif bicycles! I've put the link up in the link section because this new version of blogger is a lot harder to use than the idiot proof old one, sigh.
Anyhow, here is a photo of the space from a couple of weeks ago. I will post the progress of the shop as we go I promise. In the meantime if anyone knows how to post links into the text portion of blogger please let me know as I fear my frustration is seeping into my rambelings. Also, I can't seem to get the spell check to work.

Here are some photo's from NYC of Natsumi and I having lunch, New York is a really goo breakfst and lunch town,mmmmmm. Since all that I see is code where there should be photos I can't really give you any witty comments about the images.

This photo here is of the entrance to the big Barney's clearance sale. I made the mistake of going in and I swear I haven't been that afraid since being robbed on a Polish train. It was something mroe than madness. There were people with stacks of Prada shoe boxes waiting in a cashout line that was bigger than any bank line up and there were something like 10 cashiers. Personaly I would pay the extra grand for the shoes just to have the opportunity to not be so freaked out.
I waited at the entrance for Natsumi who was smart enough not to join me, and while I waited cab upon cab stopped to let off straight lady with gay man...it was like a WIll and Grace convention. This stack of coffee cups is a fraction of what was littered around the door as people filed into the abis.

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