Elaine, Dane and I have devised a new method of aging. You get to have a new privilage every year, for example at 16 you can drive, 19 you can drink, 28 Elaine doesn't have to go to any parties where you have to flush with your foot, 65 you can wear a cape and 85 you can say whatever the hell you want outloud....not just in your head.
I think thirty is going to be the year that I give myself permition to say 'no' without needing justification. Yay! I get to just say no!
Well there you have it!
Heck! I can't believe I missed your birthday! By two whole weeks!!
Well dear, a very happy belated birthday to you! So you're 30 at last, I think you'll love it. 33 has been my best year yet (they really DO keep getting better, just aim for love & authenticity in your life), and I remember 30 not being a big deal for me. In fact, I felt like I could finally be myself -- I hope it's an excellent beginning for you! Or even, a non-event!
Huge hugs from across the land,
xoxo ~Claudia
Thanks you! I do love 30 so far. It's been 2 weeks of feeling relaxed about a lot of things.
One of the things I do feel more relaxed about is who I am. I'm just me and that's just the way it is!
Thanks for the the birhday wishes!
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