Wednesday, September 19, 2007

my dreams this week

1) I was going to a dinner party where I knew the host was serving burgers made out of his ex wife. I was an investigator and I was trying to get a burger back to the crime lab for testing.

There were all of these people at the dinner party eating hamburgers all over this giant, old house and none of them knew they were eating the hosts ex wife except for me. I tried to use the washroom to hide in, but the door wouldn't shut.

2) I can't remember number 2 anymore, but trust me it was weird! Like last month when I had a dream where I had to go to Dracula's castle to get my Drykorn pants. Dracula was this guy Stuart that works for the Canadian distributor for Drykorn. I was sneaking around the castle in an attempt to try to retrieve my pants wearing one of those god awful denim skirts that are made out of old jeans. I woke up before finding my pants.

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