What's weird about Main Street is that it's basically a six lane major road, so it almost feels like a Toronto Suburb. When we first moved here I had a hard time understanding that it was an interesting neighbourhood because everything is so spread out and the great things about this area were not obvious at first sight. I do miss the more narrow streets of Toronto lined with shops, restaurants and bars.....I miss the plethora of urban delights sandwiched together.
This is Monsoon, it's right beside soma and I worked there for about a year. It's a really great little Malaysian fussian restaurant. The food is sooooo good. While I worked there I learned something about the difference in grammar used between Toronto and Vancouver. Someone from Toronto would say Monsoon's when refering to the restaurant; ie: We're going to Monsoon's tonight, while someone from Vancouver would call it just Monsoon; ie We're going to Monsoon tonight. Robin, which is it? Elaine? You two both have excelent command of the English Language, what do you two think?
This is the huge sign that sticks out of the building that glows bright at night. Vancouver has a lot of really big bright signs, many of them are neon, it's kind of weird in a David Lynch kind of way. At night in the rain you wouldn't be surprised if a sweet blond wanting to be an actress was waltzing with a midget on a black and white tiled peice of sidewalk while a stumbeling, lost and confused brunette asked you for a ride out of town because she inexplicably feared for her life.....and the blond and the midget would have something to do with it... I think I just rolled three Lynch films into one!
Lately I've been reading a lot of my friend Claudia's blog, I have quite a bit to catch up on because I didn't even know that she had one untill recently. It's all about nutrition, health and alternative thought on the subject, especially Ayurvedic thought. I've been going to yoga pretty regularly and haven't noticed any wieght loss (working at Monsoon made me kind of chunky...seriously, no more super skinny size 4 or even 6 Veronika), but what I have noticed is that my body is feeling so much better and things are shifting in a good way...... if you know what I mean. Claudia has gone to a lot of trouble compiling information about the food industry and health, bless her soul, she is the Joan of Arc of health! Check it out www.franlife.blogspot.com. One of these days I'll figure out how to put links to my favourite blogs and websites up on my blog....what a dumb word blog is.
I think what I'm realizing is that youth really is fleeting and as attractive as it is, age and wisdom are far more powerful and exciting, but what good are widom and power if you can't reach your toes or tie your shoelaces without having to sit! There is a lot of preventable disease that runs in my family so I decided to make myself healthy and bendy; on the road to becoming gumby I discovered that my body image, my mind in general was not in touch with my body. The disconnect was pretty severe, and with Claudia's advice and my friends here that let me drag them to hot yoga so that I feel motivated (thanks Polly, Niki and Elaine!) I am feeling like I can dodge diabetes, thyroid malfunctions as well as those stiff movements that make people look old. Good news is that I only cried in class that one time. I'm back to being the old sarcastic 'chakra my ass' me that I've always been. I think that Dane is scared that I'm going to get those awful white people dreads and start wearing patchoulie..... or start wearing lulu lemon outfits everywhere with a little dog in a purse. I'm more scared that I'm always going to have some version of black hair with bangs and that my strong desire for Issey Miyaki scents and nudie jeans will bankrupt me!
P.S: For some reason I can't get spell check to work without losing everything I've just written, so now you'll all know how badly I spell, forgive me I swear I'm smart in other ways.