Sunday, June 17, 2007

I don't go out much

Andie is getting married everyone! Here are some pictures of us all having fun and laughing a lot. It turns out that when I karaoke I KARAOKE! I will sing 'beat it' like it's no ones business and I will sing it loud.

Our first stop was Kobe on Alberni where we ate a lot of delicious Japanese food.

This is Andie's sexy face.

Some guy from Alberta crashed the bachelorette to sing Andie a song and he rubbed his ass on Andie's leg. I'm publishing our reactions to this guy. because I was laughing too hard to take pictures of him as he stripped. At first we all thought that someone ordered a stripper for Andie, which would have been really embarrassing, but it quickly became apparent that he was not a professional. You can tell because we were all laughing really hard.

Poor Lisa. I was curled up in a ball with Elaine and when we thought it was safe to open our eyes this was what we saw. It wasn't safe, so we huddled together until he left. And this folks is another reason to quit drinking....humiliation is a part of life, but why make it worse for yourself?

That's my eye peeking out at you and my good friend Elaine who goes out for tea with me even if I have a headache.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

tea with you is like a present. I will *always* go out for tea with you, pretty lady.