Tuesday, April 17, 2007


We have skylights in the new shop....2 of them!

Here is another shot of the store. Ahhhhhhh.

This is a shot of the alley by Dane's wood shop. I love the light in Vancouver, it is so fresh and crisp sometimes.


Claudia Davila (Fran) said...


Looks like Vancouver's finally getting nicer weather? Did you hear T.O. hit 23 degrees this weekend??

I love alleyways. You should check out Michael's alleyway paintings if you love alleys as much as we do... : )


Big hugs,

veronika said...

The alleyways here are so amazing, I take photos of them a lot. There is something really crisp about the light in Vancouver and it makes the alleys more defined in their random shapes

I will check out Michaels blog more often.....and yours!