In the photo above you can't really see the Mexican stand off happening between my friend Andie and a woman in a silver tutu.
I went to see Andie's band play some benefit or other that turned out to be not a benefit at all but a show some musicians were putting on to benefit themselves. It's the dawn of a new era where musicians are having "benefits" instead of shows.
The woman in the tutu was Australian which totally explained the whole quirky awkward thing. Apparently we got there too late to see the guy that painted a huge circle with his ass. I kid you not, that's how bored the kids out here bored that they strap contraptions onto their rear ends so that they can jam paintbrushes into their ass holes and twirl around on paper making circles. I wasn't sorry that I missed that. I was however happy to see Andie perform my two favourite songs 'Elvis Stojko' and 'Louis Riel'. Andie's boyfriend Reggie was in Victoria playing a show with his band, and when he returned and heard about the ass hole painting and he decided that he never ever would have the right to complain to Andie about having a bad gig ever again. We've all seen asshole's paint, but never so literally.
On another occasion After a night out Dane and I came home to find a Cat burglar wandering around our house.
We weren't scared though, don't worry. Our neighbour's cat walks along the building ledge and visits. When she made her way out I poked my head out of the window and lo and behold I found Elaine hanging out her window.
Elaine got devil eyes from my flash.
Her cat Jim wasn't too impressed with the kitten and the kitten was really unhappy to find Jim at her next stop. I could hear them hissing at one another. In these photo's you can see our Lark sign...that's how close to work we live.
Eventually adventure kitty burglar went home but continued to stare at me.
This is a photo of the inlet eight blocks north of where we live, it leads to the ocean. It's beautiful at this time of day right before sunset. You can see all of the rickety boats floating around. People live in those boats...which sounds romantic, but it's actually really gross. They throw garbage and empty septic tanks into the water. It's not as gross as lake Ontario, but I wouldn't swim in it. The sad part is that it makes its way out to the ocean, although I guess that whales and dolphin's relieve themselves into the water, so I'm not sure if human waste is much worse.
And here is Isabella our beetle. We have to sell her which is unfortunate since Dane has put a lot of love into it. We've named her after Isabella rosallini, isn't she pretty!? We had her value assessed and found out that she is worth $5,500, but we are willing to part with her for $4000 to someone who would take good care of her. There is a guy that wants to buy her for parts, but we are pretty attached to it/her and would rather see her loved then cannibalized. Anyone want to buy a car?
I know that I promised to talk about this neighbourhood and tell you about all of the eccentrics and characters. I will, don't worry.