Sunday, April 16, 2006


I took this photo today at about 3pm on my way to get another coffee. It's taken at the corner of 8th looking up Main. You can see that it's snowing on the mountains.

They are the pride and joy of this town, if you say anything negative about Vancouver to someone who luughvs (say it like you're constipated) they will most likely shoot back that the mountains are they built them or something. There is this breed of person here who will guard Vancouver with all their wit against anything negative ever said about their hometown. Being the rational person that I am I think that there are both good and bad qualities to all cities, and so whenever I come across someone who luughvs Vancouver I keep quiet. They are fierce, dangerous and you will never have a rational conversation with them. They foam at the mouth and their eyes get kind of they're morphing into some kind of monster, The worst part is that you can't spot them, they come at you from nowhere. Seriously, you can be having a great conversation and then say something honest without censoring yourself and the next thing you know you've woken the beast.

Something else I find funny about this place are the passion for politics. It's a passive aggressive city in many ways, like the way that people walk at you down the sidewalk or crossing the street like a twisted game of redrover. They don't believe in staying to the right to maintain a flow, or saying 'excuse me' when you need to pass someone dawdling. If you do say those dirty words either you get ignored or thrown a nasty dare you need to walk faster then the person ahead of you! What you're supposed to do is walk really close to the person in front of you (seriously, step on their heels) so that they feel like if they don't move you're going to push them. This is one of the aspects of this city that drive me mental and I could write a novel about it, so I'll stop here. Despite the passive aggressive nature of the city there is a passion for two things, politics and realestate, both of which I'll get into another time.

This is photo that I took of the store at about 3:30pm today. Within half an hour it went from stormy to sunshine. To survive Vancouver you need a t-shirt, a sweater, a scarf, an umbrella and sunscreen...wait ten minutes and the weather will change. It's really beautiful and it evokes a melancholy that is pleasant and introverted. That could be the root of the passive aggressive nature of Vancouver. Sometimes I find myself getting my nickers in a knot when someone isn't able to read my mind....ask Dane.

On another note, we just sold two suites to a lesbian couple that are getting married next month. They were so cute that we gave them a break on the price. They got a powder blue suit and a cream one with a powder blue shirt. They said they'd give us a photo from their wedding, when I get it I'll post it so you can all see how great they looked. That's a part of my job that I love, sometimes someone will come in and find exactly what they are looking for and they'll be so happy about it that I get happy.


Claudia Davila (Fran) said...

Beautiful photos, V! I'm so pleased you included one of Lark, I hadn't seen what it looks like til now -- so great : )

I love how you write, it's so observant and descriptive and sentient and funny and so YOU!

veronika said...

Thanks Claudia! I'm glad that you're reading my rantings. I also really enjoy your blog!